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Personal Care™ 1 Step Pregnancy Test.


Store at room temperature 46°-86°F (8°-30°C). Please read carefully before beginning test. Test Procedure. The first morning urine is highly recommended but not required. Collect your urine in a cup. Only a small volume is needed. Remove the test from the foil pouch, place on a flat, dry surface. Using dropper provided with the kit, collect a sample of the urine. Holding the dropper upright over the Round sample well, squeeze gently and add 4 drops of urine into the Round well. In 1 to 3 minutes a color line will appear in the C area, test is complete. Test Results. Positive Results: Color lines appear in both C & T areas. (Intesity of line may vary under the T). Negative Results: Color line appears only in the C area. Invalid: No lines appear within 10 minutes in both C & T areas. Note: The test results are only valid the first 10 minutes. and after that any results showing up are invalid. Positive. Negative. Invalid. Senitivity/Susceptibilidad: 25 mlU/ml.

Personal Care 1 Step Pregnancy Test

SKU: 27435
Excluding Sales Tax
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